Black History Month

“Why Black History is Important”

The Enrichment Team organised a Presentation with Clinton Smith, Chair of Preston Black History Group

Held on Wednesday 6th October 2021

Black History Month is an opportunity to understand Black histories, going beyond stories of racism and slavery to spotlight Black achievement.

Clinton Smith (Chair of Preston Black History Group) spoke to a very enthusiastic group of students who listened to him speak about Black History and his experience of coming to Britain, from the Caribbean, when he was 9 years old. Clinton explored how there have been some positive changes throughout his life in the UK but commented there are still changes to be made.

The importance of Black History Month in October is more relevant than ever, with highlighted issues currently in focus through the Black Lives Matter movement. Clinton highlighted that it is important to focus on the positive contributions people of black heritage have made throughout history.

It’s not just a month to celebrate the continued achievements and contributions of Black people to the UK and around the world.

Now is the time for action to tackle racism, we all need to be aware of our shared history.  I encourage everyone to ensure Black History and achievement is represented and celebrated all year round. – Clinton Smith

Black History Month