This week our Sports department hosted the first ever regional college Strong Man & Woman competition.

Students from colleges across the North West competed in four different events: the deadlift for maximum weight, the axle clean and press for maximum repetitions, the farmers hold for maximum time and a sandbag carry for maximum distance. The winners of the male and female categories were both Runshaw students – congratulations to Zain Ahmed and Ruby Stazicker! Zain and Ruby are in their second year and are both active members of the Sports Academy.

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Zain Ahmed and Ruby Stazicker – Runshaw’s strongest students.

The most impressive displays of strength came in the deadlift, Zain lifting 250kg and Ruby 155kg! That’s a staggering weight and incredibly impressive from both students. Over the next academic year, the Sports department will be pushing strength sports with a dedicated Strength Academy – more details will go live very soon on our Academies page here.

Do you want to study Sport here at Runshaw? Click below to browse all our courses and download our Sports Academy Brochure.

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